Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Christmas Thoughts

The Nativity
The Reason for the Season

My Thoughts: I love Christmas and every time the seasons begins, I always want to have the Christmas Spirit. I love the Savior who is the Light of the World. All good in the world comes because of the example he was. I am so grateful for GOOD!

I have a hard time getting and keeping that Christmas Spirit every year. Last year my sister in law sent me a book called: "A Christmas Treasury for Latter-day Saint Families" by Lloyd and Karmel Newell

I began that season by reading from the book and before long the Christmas feeling and Spirit seemed to be with me. I read a short story daily for nearly the entire holiday and what a difference it made for me in the season. I have so loved the feeling that it brought to me and into my heart. There is a "Reason for the Season."

So again this year I did the same thing. I have so loved it. I will share with you some short sayings that may make a difference for you in enjoying the holiday season as you maybe would like to.

Gratitude: No matter which holiday we're observing, gratitude can enrich every aspect of every celebration. We're happy when we're grateful.

Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. Aesop

Simplicity: Sometimes our efforts to make Christmas "the most wonderful time of the year" have the reverse effect of making us feel stressed and overwhelmed. Learning to eliminate holiday hassle can begin with small changes like shopping early, shopping less, not over scheduling, trying to pause and relax, and saving time for expressions of love. Look back to pioneer Christmases reminds us how simple, yet satisfying, festivities can be.

Simplicity: We just need to simplify and remember what we are celebrating. Marjorie Hinckley

Compassion: One of the miracles of Christmas is that compassion pervades our hearts and homes more fully. We think of others more often, we do for others more readily. Imagine what could happen if this compassionate spirit were in our hearts always.

Compassion: As we open our hearts to others, kindness and compassion freely flow. George Albert Smith

Pres. Thomas S. Monson: "Giving, not getting, brings to full bloom the Christmas Spirit. Enemies are forgiven, friends remembered, and God obeyed. The spirit of Christmas illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world's busy life and become more interested in people than things. To catch the real meaning of the "spirit of Chrstmas," we need only drop the last syllable, and it becomes the "Spirit of Christ."