Monday, September 22, 2008

Time for a MORMON-AD

My Thoughts:
This particular MormonAd is one of my favorites. The picture is so telling of how life is. We have to be careful or we can be hurt; hurt is so many ways. The world is a hard place and sometimes it can be very overwhelming to try and handle our lives. If I walk the straight and narrow path, meaning keeping my life, my actions, and my thoughts in harmony with what the Savior would do and say, I can be safe in this world. It takes effort and a true desire to want that though, but the Savior is there if we reach out. The path back to God is straight, but how to get their is strait, meaning we can weave all over the board and still be heading straight. We just have to be like a ship coming into the strait, he has to maneuver very carefully every turn he makes so as to stay on course and eventually he will be docked. Such is the case for each one of us. We carefully maneuver our lives, through the smallest of actions, thoughts and deeds and eventually we will be docked where we want to be. Life with God!

LDS Church Magazines

I would now like to introduce to you the LDS Church Magazines. The church has the Ensign and the Liahona, which is international and which both are for adults. The next magazine is The New Era, which is geared towards the youth 12-18 years. The last is The Friend, which is geared for children. I have had these magazines in my home for years. I currently do not have the Friend as I no longer have children living at home. The magazine that I would like to spotlight in the next post is the"The New Era," aside from all the wonderful articles and a well layed out magazine, the page I love the most is "The New Era Poster." That is what it is called now, but from years past, it was called the MormonAd. I choose to keep calling it that. I have collected these MormonAds since the beginning of time, it seems like. I hope you will enjoy the MormonAd's that I scrapbook. It highlights a different AD that has been placed in the New Era magazine. I will share with you alot of my thoughts about each one in particular as I post them. I do hope that you can enjoy the truths of what they say and maybe it will make a difference in your life. These are good things to think about. You can subscribe to any or all of these magazines at

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

God Speaks to man TODAY! pt. 1

God Speaks to man TODAY! pt. 2


I have been through so many trials and adversities in my life; some have been so very difficult and seem like they will never end. My insides have truly felt like this turned up soil, nothing feels right UNTIL I get through the trial. When I have passed through the trial, I then have noticed that my increase, not only to myself but to others is truly there. I feel more valuable to mankind because of what I have gone through and hopefully have been able to help make a difference in someone else's life. Oh the VALUE of trials!

WE BELIEVE: Fourth & Fifth Articles of Faith

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The fourth and fifth articles refer to our belief in the first principles of the gospel. They are faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repentance. We also learn that the first ordinances of the gospel are baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. These ordinances are bestowed by men “called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those” who have the authority to administer them (A of F 5).

We believe that from the very beginning the Lord established a plan for His children on earth. He would, in times and seasons, have the priesthood on earth to bless mankind with the authority to perform the sacred ordinances that would prove man’s obedience to His will. There were tests to be conducted as we progressed in each step towards achieving God’s greatest gift, the gift of life eternal. Fundamental, then, is having faith in His plan, in His law, to be clean and holy and to repent of our sins, and to partake of the sacred ordinance of baptism required for admission into His celestial kingdom. And after baptism to be given the great gift, that Comforter, to abide with us, to lead and guide and direct us as we progress through mortality—all of these done under the authority given to mankind from God. Each man who officiates can trace that authority directly back to the Lord Himself, who bestowed that right on mankind. by Elder L. Tom Perry

My Thoughts:
Christ's Church, as organized by himself, has outlined the way we are to live and how to be. He established that we must first have Faith in Him and then repent, because of that faith; he then said that with that repentance be baptized by immersion and then receive the Holy Ghost. All this was to be done by someone who had the authority given to him from God in order to do God's work in God's Church. Not just anyone could do it, he MUST have the authority to do so. These principles, faith and repentance and these ordinances, baptism and receiving the Holy Ghost, has been established as the pattern we must follow to put us on the path back to God.

To me there is so much comfort in knowing what I must do. There is no confusion in the matter and that I so much appreciate. It is very clear and concise, no questions at all. It all begins with a Belief or Faith in the One who is mighty to save, our Savior Jesus Christ!